Choice of needles

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Guidelines for Syringe Use in Healthcare Settings

Choosing the Correct Needle

Healthcare professionals using syringes for administering medications should:

  • Standard Needle: Follow UK Resuscitation Council advice to use a standard blue needle (25 mm and 23 gauge) for intramuscular adrenaline injections.
  • Obese Patients: For obese patients, use a longer 39mm needle to ensure proper delivery into the muscle.
  • Availability: Note that longer 25 mm needles are less common than the standard orange needle (16 mm), which may lead to subcutaneous instead of intramuscular injection.

Injection Site

The recommended site for intramuscular adrenaline injection in treating anaphylactic reactions is:

  • Anterolateral Thigh: Specifically, the middle third of the thigh.
  • Age Considerations: According to current UK Resuscitation Council guidance, a 25 mm needle is suitable for all ages, except:
    • In pre-term or very small infants, a 16 mm needle is appropriate.
    • Some adults may require a longer needle due to body size.

Following these guidelines ensures correct and effective administration of adrenaline injections in healthcare settings.