Chain of communication

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Effective Chain of Communication in Emergencies


Understanding the crucial role of communication from the control room to the hospital in emergency situations.

1. The Control Room

Clear and Accurate Information: When making a 999 call, provide clear and accurate information. Avoid slang, use proper road names, and be as descriptive as possible.

Computer Algorithm: Control room operators use computer algorithms and need your responses to specific questions to dispatch the ambulance promptly.

Risk and Danger: Communicate any risks, dangers, or fear you may have. This information is crucial for the safety of all responders.

2. Relay to the Ambulance Crew

Radio Messages and Tablets: Information from the control room is relayed to the ambulance crew through radio messages and tablets for accurate data sharing.

Efficient Response: Accurate information helps the crew find you quickly and respond appropriately.

3. Interaction with Ambulance Crew

Providing Details: Describe the incident clearly, including what happened, when, and any medications involved.

Crew's Dual Role: Ambulance crews multitask, listening while they begin patient care.

Collaboration: Crews may talk to both the patient and the caregiver to gather comprehensive information.

4. Documenting and Observation

Recording Information: Crews document the provided information and record initial observations.

Baseline for Assessment: The baseline observations help evaluate the patient's condition and any changes.

5. Feedback to Control or Helicopter

Feedback Loop: Information may be relayed back to the control room or to a medical helicopter for coordination.

Ensuring Timely Response: Feedback helps in directing resources efficiently for patient transport.

6. Transport to Hospital

Patient Loading: The crew loads the patient into the ambulance or helicopter and begins transportation.

Pre-Alerting Hospital: En route, the crew informs the receiving hospital about the patient's condition, injuries, and estimated arrival time.

7. Hospital Handover

Concise Handover: At the hospital, a brief but critical handover is given to the receiving medical staff.

Simple and Direct: Use plain language and focus on facts and figures, avoiding unnecessary details.

Continued Communication: The communication process continues until the patient is fully discharged from the hospital.