NEWS2 Escalation

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2 min 21 sec
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Understanding and Responding to NEWS2 Scores


Learn how to interpret NEWS2 scores and take appropriate actions based on the resident's condition.

Assessing NEWS2 Scores

  • Consider Normal Reference Score: Always compare the resident's total NEWS2 with their usual reference score.

NEWS2 Score of Zero

  • Observation: Person appears stable; they can stay at home.
  • Escalation: If any clinical or personal concerns arise, escalate the situation.
  • Monitoring: Conduct observations at least every 12 hours or until concerns are resolved.

NEWS2 Score of One

  • Review: Immediate senior staff review required.
  • Escalation: If concerned, escalate the situation.
  • Observations: Repeat observations within 6 hours.
  • GP Review: If observations remain elevated with no clear cause, arrange a GP review within 24 hours.
  • Worsening NEWS: If NEWS worsens, follow the appropriate escalation process.

NEWS2 Score of Two

  • Immediate Review: Immediate senior staff review required.
  • Escalation: If there's no improvement within 2 hours or if concerned, escalate the situation.
  • Observations: Repeat observations within 2 hours, then every 6 hours.
  • GP Assessment: Seek a GP telephone assessment within 2 hours and re-assessment within a further 6 hours if no improvement.
  • Worsening NEWS: If NEWS worsens, follow the appropriate escalation process.

NEWS2 Score of Three to Four

  • Repeat Observations: Repeat observations within 30 minutes.
  • Urgent GP Review: If observations equal a NEWS score of 3 or more, seek urgent GP telephone or face-to-face review within 2 hours.
  • Worsening NEWS: If NEWS worsens, follow the appropriate escalation process.

NEWS2 Score of Five to Six

  • Immediate Clinical Review: Immediate clinical review and advice required.
  • GP Referral: Refer to a GP using the surgery bypass number or contact NHS 111 if out of hours.
  • Urgent Hospital Transfer: Urgent transfer to a hospital within 1 hour may be necessary.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Continuously monitor the patient, repeating observations every 15 minutes.

NEWS2 Score Over Seven

  • Urgent Hospital Transfer: Immediate transfer to a hospital may be required.
  • Monitoring and Documentation: Monitor the patient and follow the call handler's guidance. Ensure documentation of the transfer process.
  • Admission Plan: Admission to the hospital should align with any agreed and documented plan of care.