Immediate Life Support (ILS)- Healthcare

95 videos, 5 hours and 40 minutes

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First Aid vs BLS Healthcare Professionals

Video 42 of 95
4 min 21 sec
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Differences Between First Aid and Professional Care in CPR

Ensuring Safety and Proper Technique

Key Principles for Both First Aid and Professional Care

  • Self-Protection: Always prioritize personal safety and wear gloves.
  • Common Skills: Techniques like the recovery position and dealing with choking remain consistent.

CPR Guidelines

Divergence in CPR Approaches

First Aid: Simplicity and Accessibility

  • The guidelines aim for simplicity and ease of recall, with uniform standards for child, adult, and infant CPR.
  • First aiders have limited training and a lower level of responsibility.
  • Access to advanced equipment is generally not available in a first aid setting.

Professional Healthcare: Adapting to Complexity

  • Healthcare professionals follow different guidelines due to their advanced training, resources, and higher duty of care.
  • Flexibility in care ratios is permitted based on specific situations.
  • Collaboration with first aiders requires clear communication and guidance.

Paediatric CPR

Emphasizing Simplification and Bystander Resuscitation

  • Simplified guidelines aim to encourage bystander resuscitation for children, who often receive no help due to rescuer concerns.
  • Distinct differences exist between adult and paediatric cardiac arrest, mainly related to respiratory issues in children.
  • Healthcare professionals adapt their training to optimize outcomes for paediatric cases.

Assessment and Decision-Making

Quick and Effective Evaluation

  • Decision to initiate CPR should take no more than 10 seconds, relying on the initial assessment.
  • Healthcare professionals prioritize signs of life (response to stimuli, normal breathing, spontaneous movement) over pulse checks.
  • In a hospital setting, adherence to institutional guidelines and protocols is essential.