Immediate Life Support (ILS)- Healthcare

95 videos, 5 hours and 40 minutes

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Advanced Life Support Scenario

Video 86 of 95
8 min 3 sec
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Mastering Advanced Life Support Techniques

Exploring a Challenging Scenario

Dive into an advanced life support scenario where a patient experiences a persistent shockable rhythm during cardiac arrest. Discover the comprehensive approach we take to manage the situation.

Initial Patient Response

When faced with an unresponsive patient:

  • Assessing Responsiveness: Confirm unresponsiveness.
  • Engaging Colleagues: Collaborate with team members.
  • Preparing for Action: Equip defibrillator paddles.

Managing the Cardiac Arrest

During a cardiac arrest scenario:

  • Monitoring the Rhythm: Confirm ventricular fibrillation (VF).
  • Administering CPR: Ensure effective chest compressions.
  • Charging the Monitor: Prepare for shock delivery.

Optimizing Airway Management

Efficient airway management is vital:

  • Upgrading the Airway: Consider advanced airway techniques.
  • IV Access: Establish intravenous access for medications.

Administering Medications

Medications play a critical role:

  • Adrenaline Injection: Administer 1 milligram of 1 in 10,000 adrenaline IV.
  • Amiodarone: Deliver 300 milligrams of amiodarone IV.
  • Medication Flush: Prepare a 20 ml flush for administration.

Continuous Assessment and Actions

Dynamic decision-making during the scenario:

  • Monitoring Progress: Evaluate patient response after each shock.
  • Considering Transport: Assess the need to transfer the patient to an A&E department.
  • Reversible Causes: Reflect on possible reversible causes of cardiac arrest.

Specialized Care

In specific cases:

  • PPCI Consideration: Evaluate the need to transport the patient to a heart attack centre for percutaneous coronary intervention (PPCI).

This comprehensive approach to advanced life support ensures that even in challenging scenarios, we strive to maximize the chances of patient survival.