Immediate Life Support (ILS)- Healthcare

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Infant CPR for Health Professionals

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5 min 13 sec
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Infant CPR for Healthcare Professionals

This guide outlines the essential steps for healthcare professionals to perform CPR on infants, highlighting the differences from first aid procedures and the importance of quick and appropriate action.

CPR Guidelines Overview

Healthcare professionals face two CPR guideline options based on the environment: the standard first aider approach (30 compressions to 2 breaths) and the healthcare professional approach (15 compressions to 2 breaths).

Preparation and Consent

Ensure scene safety, wear protective gloves, and obtain consent if possible. Assess the infant's responsiveness and, in the absence of any signs of life, prepare to initiate CPR.

Opening the Airway

Perform a head tilt-chin lift to open the airway, ensuring it's in a neutral position to avoid obstruction.

Assessment and Activation of Assistance

Check for breathing for 10 seconds. If no breathing is detected, activate emergency services, especially if performing CPR solo.

Delivering Initial Breaths

Seal your mouth over the infant's mouth and nose to deliver five initial breaths, observing for chest rise without overinflation.

Performing Chest Compressions

Use two fingers to perform 15 compressions at a third of the chest depth, at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute.

Alternate Compression Method

For healthcare settings, an alternative method using thumbs for compressions may be used, especially when CPR is performed by multiple responders.

Continuing CPR Cycle

After initial compressions and breaths, continue the cycle of 15 compressions to 2 breaths until assistance arrives or the infant shows signs of life.


Healthcare professionals must adapt their CPR technique based on their professional judgment and the specific situation, always aiming to provide the most effective care for the infant in distress.