Immediate Life Support (ILS)- Healthcare

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Non Rebreather mask

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4 min 36 sec
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Non-Rebreather Mask Overview

High-Volume Oxygen Delivery

Preventing Deterioration in Patients

Introduction to the Non-Rebreather Mask

Also Known as the Trauma Mask

The non-rebreather mask, often referred to as the trauma mask, is employed to administer a high volume of oxygen to a patient before resorting to bag and mask ventilation. It becomes necessary when a patient's breathing is inadequate or has ceased, and external ventilation or respiratory support is required to sustain life or prevent further deterioration.

Components of the Non-Rebreather Mask

Ensuring Effective Oxygen Delivery

  • Oxygen Inlet: Connects to an oxygen source, whether it's a vehicle supply, cylinder, or hospital system.
  • Oxygen Bag: Captures oxygen from the source and delivers it directly to the patient's face, ensuring they inhale pure oxygen with each breath.
  • Valve: Located within the mask, regulates the flow and maintains an oxygen-rich environment within the bag.
  • Nose Clip: A gentle, adjustable aluminum clip secures the mask over the patient's nose to prevent oxygen leakage.
  • Elastic Strap: Goes around the head or attaches to a neck brace, keeping the mask securely in place. Adjustment is possible with side straps for comfort and fit.

Monitoring Breathing Rate

Observing Patient's Respiratory Status

Two methods for assessing the patient's breathing rate:

  • Snorkel Ball: A clever snorkel within the mask contains a red ball. The ball moves up and down with each breath, allowing you to count breaths accurately.
  • Mask Steaming: As the patient exhales, the mask steams up, and it clears when they inhale. Count the cycle of steaming and clearing to determine the breathing rate.

Both methods are less intrusive and provide accurate readings, avoiding the patient's natural response to slow or halt breathing when directly observed.

Disposable Usage

Safe Handling and Disposal

Non-rebreather masks are single-use devices. After a patient has utilized the mask, it should be considered clinical waste and disposed of appropriately.

Mask Fitting Procedure

Ensuring Proper Application

Steps for fitting the mask:

  1. Turn on the oxygen source to initiate bag filling.
  2. Position the elastic strap over the patient's head, explaining the procedure to them.
  3. Apply the mask, gently securing it over the nose for a proper seal.
  4. Adjust the side straps for comfort and an effective seal.
  5. Observe the bag filling with oxygen, confirming successful oxygen delivery.
  6. Monitor the snorkel ball or mask steaming to assess the patient's breathing rate.
  7. Continuously monitor oxygen saturation using pulse oximetry, which is detailed in a separate video.