Immediate Life Support (ILS)- Healthcare

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BLS Scenario

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4 min 10 sec
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Managing Cardiac Arrest During Non-Emergency Patient Transport

Scenario: Responding to a Sudden Cardiac Arrest

Quick and Effective Actions in a Critical Situation

While transporting a patient to the hospital under non-emergency conditions, a sudden and unexpected situation arises. The patient becomes unresponsive, and immediate action is crucial. Here's how to manage the scenario:

Calling for Assistance

Reacting to the Unresponsive Patient

As the situation unfolds, the following steps are taken:

  • Requesting Help: Instruct a colleague to join you in the back of the vehicle.
  • Assessing the Patient: Check for responsiveness, breathing, and pulse.
  • Initiating CPR: Start chest compressions and prepare to use an AED (Automated External Defibrillator).

Using the AED

Guidelines for AED Deployment

Follow these crucial steps when using an AED:

  1. Activate Emergency Services: Call for professional assistance immediately.
  2. Prepare the Patient: Ensure the patient's chest is exposed.
  3. Prepare the AED: Remove the AED from its package without touching the patient.
  4. Assess Heart Rhythm: Wait for the AED to analyze the heart rhythm.
  5. Administer a Shock: If advised by the AED, deliver a shock by pressing the designated button.
  6. Initiate CPR: Follow AED instructions, giving 30 chest compressions and two breaths.
  7. Monitor Breathing: Continue assessing the patient's breathing and responsiveness.

Evaluation and Recovery

Monitoring the Patient's Condition

After successful intervention, assess the patient's condition:

  • Airway: Ensure the patient's airway is clear and watch for any abnormal noises.
  • Circulation: Check for central and peripheral pulses and evaluate capillary refill time.
  • ECG Monitoring: Use ECG to monitor heart rhythm and rate.
  • Respiratory Rate: Monitor the patient's breathing rate.
  • Communication: Continue engaging with the patient to assess responsiveness.
  • Oxygen Saturation: Monitor oxygen saturation levels and adjust oxygen delivery as needed.

Conclusion: Prompt Action Saves Lives

Successful Reversal of Cardiac Arrest

By acting swiftly and decisively during a cardiac arrest, there is a high probability of reversing ventricular fibrillation and achieving a positive outcome for the patient. This scenario underscores the importance of preparedness and quick response in emergency situations.